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VCE fake transcript

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VCE fake transcript

This is VCE fake transcript, VCE  transcript, Australia transcript. VCE is the abbreviation of Victoria Certificate of Education in Victoria, Australia. A leaving certificate awarded to high school students who have successfully completed a Victorian high school education. The Victoria State College Entrance Examination Assessment Authority (VCAA) will review and evaluate the students’ test results, and will issue the VCE certificate to the students after passing the test. As a five-star course in Australia, the VCE course, together with A-Level and IB, is known as the four major high school curriculum systems in the world. With this certificate, students can apply for admission to university or vocational education. Due to its reasonable curriculum and the credibility of educational assessment, this certificate is recognized by many countries in the world. This course is offered in grades 11 and 12, which is quite It is based on the second and third grades of high school in China, but it can be completed in three years, or you can apply for study one year in advance. A VCE study plan is based on a minimum of two years as a period. Students are engaged in a series of courses for each semester. Its courses The setting has courses such as mathematics, history, labor skills, foreign languages, biology, geography, physics, politics, physical education, information technology, etc., but the most different thing is that they also offer courses such as economics, accounting, design technology, food technology, etc. , psychology, environmental science, literature, drama, health and human development and more courses suitable for the development of students’ various interests. In order to complete the VCE course, students must pass four units of English (a total of 4 choices, English EAL, English, English Language, English Literature, from simple to difficult, you can choose English and English Literature at the same time), and any other 5 subjects, VCE does not have any compulsory subjects except English.

VCE has 129 subjects for students to choose from, but in fact students’ choices will be limited by their schools. If there are not enough students to take a course, the school will not offer it due to economic and scheduling considerations. VCE subjects include English, mathematics, science, humanities, physical education, and foreign languages. Students can choose up to 40 foreign languages (usually called LOTE, Language Other Than English) to choose two subjects to study. Among them, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Indonesian provide first and second language courses. Chinese also has elementary second languages (usually learned by students without Chinese background) and advanced second languages (usually learned by students with Chinese background or immigrants). ). Chinese students and overseas Chinese usually choose Chinese. English and Mathematics are two special subjects in VCE. English provides 4 options as mentioned above. English as a language (English as an Additional Language, EAL for short) is provided to take care of immigrants and overseas students, and requires a Qualification of Second Language Status (Qualification of Second Language Status, provided that the study time in an English-speaking country does not exceed 5 years, and the general school will help international students to complete). English (English or English Mainstream) is the most studied, chosen by 75% of students. English Language is slightly more difficult, and English Literature is the most difficult English course. If students are interested, they can choose English EAL/English plus English Literature. Mathematics also offers 3 options, the most basic General Mathematics B – Further Mathematics is mainly basic practical mathematics; the slightly difficult 4-unit Mathematics Methods, which mainly tells about calculus, is compulsory for university business, science and engineering admissions; the most difficult General Mathematics A – Specialist Mathematics of advanced calculus is a compulsory course for university actuarial science and engineering entrance. Mathematics Methods must be studied while studying Specialist Mathematics. Students can choose 2 mathematics, which is also the usual choice for Chinese international students.

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