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University of North London fake degree

University of North London fake degree, buy University of North London fake degree
University of North London fake degree

This is University of North London fake degree, University of North London degree, University of North London fake diploma, University of North London fake certificate. In fact, the University of North London merged with London Guildhall University in 2002 to form the London Metropolitan University. Consequently, the University of North London no longer exists. Here are details about degrees from London Metropolitan University:

1. Types of degrees: London Metropolitan University offers undergraduate degrees, master’s degrees and doctorate degrees. Areas covered include the humanities, social sciences, arts, business, and science.

2. Degree courses: London Metropolitan University offers various types of degree courses, which are aimed at the different needs of the disciplines and cover a wide range of professional fields, such as law, business, politics, arts and sciences.

3. Degree Requirements: Specific degree requirements vary by discipline. Under normal circumstances, undergraduate students need to complete 360 credits, master students need to complete 180 credits, and doctoral students need to complete certain research projects and conduct a thesis defense.

4. Degree certificates: Students will receive corresponding degree certificates after completing degree courses in designated disciplines at London Metropolitan University. The degree certificate is issued and stamped by the school, indicating that the student is a graduate of the university.

5. Degree accreditation: London Metropolitan University has been accredited by the University and College Accreditation Council, and its degrees are recognized throughout the UK. Students can use the degree certificate obtained by the university to help them in their career and further education.

In conclusion, London Metropolitan University is a comprehensive university that offers education and research in a wide range of subject areas and offers different types of degrees in several subject areas. Students can obtain corresponding degree certificates by completing the courses and credit requirements of the discipline, and these certificates can help them in their careers and continuing education.

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