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University of houston fake degree

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university of houston fake degree

This is university of houston fake degree, university of houston degree, university of houston fake diploma, university of houston fake certificate. University of Houston, referred to as UH, is a public university located in Houston, Texas, USA. Founded in 1927, it is a comprehensive research university in Texas. UH currently has more than 46,000 students and offers more than 300 undergraduate and graduate program majors, including art, business, education, engineering, humanities, law, natural sciences and other subject areas.

UH has excellent academic and scientific research in many fields, especially in oil and gas technology, energy research, aerospace technology, biomedicine, music, dance, art and other fields. In the ranking of U.S. News & World Report, UH Business School, retail management, oil and gas engineering, high-performance computing, art education and other majors are all ranked high. At the same time, UH is also one of the schools with the largest number of international students in the United States, with students from more than 137 countries around the world.

The undergraduate and graduate courses and majors offered by UH cover many fields, among which the main undergraduate degrees include art, business, liberal arts, education, engineering, hotel and tourism management, natural sciences, mass media and other fields; the main graduate courses include Training and development, education, engineering, law, management, medicine, music, physics, art and other fields. In addition, UH also provides students with a wealth of extracurricular activities and practical opportunities, such as student associations, activity centers, art centers, admissions offices, gymnasiums, etc., creating a colorful campus life for students.

In short, the University of Houston is located in Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States. Its sufficient academic resources and diverse courses, majors, internships and social work opportunities are the common choice of students and social people.

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